Saturday, 2 May 2015

Sitemap Exercise & Initial Sketches

Had a discussion about sitemaps, and how they may affect us and act as a guiding tool throughout our app design. This was an exercise we did to get familiar with sitemaps. Attempted my first sitemap, choosing Line messenger as my app. 

Ideation mapping: Drew up some rough sketches of what the app may look like. Still considering our sensors at this point. I tried to incorporate accelerometer (motion sensors), where the user shakes the phone and it vibrates to create a imitation of an earthquake. We could also consider some sound as this point (rumbling sounds). 

Top left iteration: Shaking the phone (accelerometer sensors) to see what happens when the magnitude increases in an earthquake. An information bar will slide out at this point to give details of the impact. The user can swipe the information bar back and can repeat the process. This will also be shown through animation where buildings start moving and falling as the magnitude grows higher. (Magnitude increases every time).

Bottom left iteration: A mini game where the user has to click on the objects inside the screen and pick an action (box will appear when the user clicks an object) which will lead to different scenarios e.g. secure photo frame. There will be a process bar. Once it reaches 100% the user can shake the phone which will cause a vibration to create a imitation of an earthquake. If the user had picked the right choice, then the items will remain where they are. Otherwise they will fall and break. 
Still refining this.

First left iteration: Informative page with a small animation to keep the kid interested. Explanation of earthquakes and tectonic plates. The animation diagram shows what happens when there is a earthquake. 

Second left iteration: Home screen. Still deciding what we should put on the home screen. But this is an idea for now.

-Swipe to pick your character to learn about earthquake safety.

-Shake phone to make earthquake (starts and keeps going)
-Hold person and phone still so they don't move. 
-Phone vibrates to show earthquake still happening.
-Once the vibration has stopped, you can let go and follow steps to lead character out.
-Room has the same theme as the character (more realistic)

-Similar to a pacman game
-Walk person out of the maze. There will be hazards and they will vibrate and educate why it's dangerous


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