Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Sensor & App Finds

Dumb ways to die app
-Using quirky and cute (fun) visual style to appeal to their target audience. 
-Although they are addressing a serious issue (trains) they didn't make it gruesome.
-The game allows the user to see the consequence of the issue but they kept it toned down for 
the demographics. Since we are targeting a similar age range, we could consider these aspects.
-Tilting using the gyroscope sensor. It may be useful for our app in terms of movement. 
-Touch button (flick)? Maybe we can consider sliding motions for the "drop, cover, hold" position.

-Could also consider using a camera to detect your moves for "drop, cover hold" This will allow the user to experience the movements themselves. They could either place the phone somewhere higher or get their parents to hold it? There could be a shadow that can help guide the user / do the same movement within the shadow.

- Looked into some more visual style. I really like the choice of colour palette and bold images in this particular app. The font also fits quite nicely with the overall theme. It's also aimed at a similar age range to ours. 


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