Saturday, 9 May 2015

Interim Critique

We wanted to refine and finalise our sitemap for critique week and prototyping. We wanted to keep it simple for usability (remembering that our target audience are for young kids). We also got some feedback from our peers and tutors for further refinement. We decided to create various iterations to see which one is working better in terms of our earthquake safety idea. 
We also found that our ideas were too broad and was asked to focus on only one thing that our app is trying to teach/aid the user. After a few discussions we decided to focus on earthquake preparations.

1. Preparing a earthquake safety kit
2. Preparing for house hazards (preventions)
3. Preparing for an earthquake (drill)

-Rebecca, David

A motion detector is a device that detects moving objects, particularly people.
Could be used to detect the user while they have to perform the drill. The user will have to do "drop cover and hold" inside the outline. A sound will go off if you're doing it correctly. Interactive way to learn.

Another variation for the hazard idea. Instead of having a maze-like game we can just have certain furniture pop up and the user will have to either swipe left or right to make choices whether they are safe to hide in or not. 

Initial conveyor belt idea. However we decided that maybe we can put similar items together to trick the user? e.g. fresh fruits vs dried fruits. And we also took out the timer as it wasn't really relating to the whole preparation idea. Instead, there will be an immediate response to let the user know if they are correct/incorrect and why. 


After critique week, we found that our ideas needed a lot more refining. We ran into a problem where our target audience (kids) will not be "packing a safety kit" or "preventing hazards". These actions are often performed by adults. There was a suggestion that maybe the kids may play this app to learn for future purposes or to inform their parents as kids often tend to tell their parents about things they have learnt or found interesting. Klaus also mention the games on our apps may work on a computer and we will need to find sensors to make our app more unique. This prompted us to do more research on sensors that could be utilised in our app. It was also suggested that we can try and base our ideas on more realistic situations that have happened. e.g. the big earthquake that occurred in Wellington a few years ago. Or maybe think about the earthquake house in Tepapa and how it helps inform kids about earthquakes?


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