Going into detail about the games and the outcomes we want to come out from it.
- Emergency kit preparation. This will allow the kid to pick and drag certain objects into their emergency kit. There will be a timer to create some sort of tension and get kids to think on their feet. Once the timer runs out, a information bar will pop up to let the user know what they got correct/wrong with a small blurb about each item they picked and why it was either a good/bad choice.
- Second game is still the same as our initial idea. The user will be allowed to click an item/furniture in the room and have a selection of actions they can performed. We decided to take away the 100% process bar so the user can have a immediate answer to see if they were wrong or correct. Maybe the items will glow red or green depending if they made the right choices. This will indicate what they are getting right and what they need to know more about.
- The third game is the "stop drop cover" drill which will allow the user to perform and learn about earthquake safety (what to do during an earthquake). Taking the initial idea of character selection (theme) to attract kids and keep them interested. Still a working process.
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